So week 14 and we have the prompt Birds funnily enough this ties in with the Shimelle project that I am doing and forms the basis of the next page in my when I grow up book. When I was a little girl I used to sit for hours drawing pictures of birds in the garden making them into little books. I can still remember now the feeling of absolute belief that what I was drawing was an absolutle replica of the bird in front of me, I thought I must be the most fantastic artist in the world. I'd love to see those little books now I am sure I would be quite amused to see what I had really drawn. Isn't sad how we loose that belief in ourselves along the way, I've kinda got a little bit back in that I have absolute faith in my ablity as a nurse and my belief in person centred care but oh for a bit of what I had as a child as far as my creativity is concerened.
Great card! I like it that you used a picture of you when you were little.
Great card its so cute!
Love your cards with the birds on it, and your face.
The story from your childhood is amazing.
Yes it is sad we loose that strong belief in our self.... but I can tell you, you are a true artist. ;-) I looked at your earlier posts and your artpieces are all so beautyful. Love the way you have made the pages for your Childhood-journal.
So sweet, love the way this came out!
great card!!!
there's a quote by picasso that i love...
"every child is an artist.
the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
have faith in yourself! :-)
Love the card & especially that it has a story. This deck of me is going to be so fantastic to look back on.
Back to work for me today, sadly!!
Great card. I love it when we remember bits of our childhood and can document theem in some way
Love your card with the birds around you!! Great idea!!
great card!! :)
Val, your card is lovely! Love the story that goes with it too! I am doing Shimelle's class too, and I've loved looking at your children's story book. I'm working on mine today, and will post pics on my blog too. Good luck with the rest of the class!
All your work is fantastic! And this card is great. I never knew you did that!! Great how much we can learn about people from this wonderful craft.
Great card, i really like it :)
Love this card - this is too cute!
I love your card, I am really enjoying looking at everyones ideas!!
Well girl, you are a fantastic artist! Thank you for sharing with us. Moments to remember!
What a cute little picture of you. You're so right about how we feel when we are children. It can come back! I know I'm feeling it coming back after YEARS. You are a fabulous artist! I've loved looking through your blog. :)
Love your birds. You are very talented.
So cool. I love all your little birds & that photocopy of you is adorable. I wish we could just bottle up those moments of childhood creativity and release them now & then when we need a little help as an adult.
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